Tuesday, October 26, 2010

WE DAY - A Student's Perspective (by Justin)

On Friday, October 15th, sixteen of my classmates and I attended WeDay. There were so many things I enjoyed there. Hedley, a band that I like, sang; and various speakers, like Al Gore and Rev. Jesse Jackson, inspired me.
Two brothers, Craig and Marc Kielburger, spoke about the time they read a shocking story that changed their lives fifteen years ago. Craig read that a 12 year old boy, a child labourer, got assassinated for speaking out. Craig felt he had to do something. He brought the story to class and asked if anyone would help. Eleven hands shot up in the air. That's how the organization Free the Children started. I was absolutely astonished upon hearing this.
Also that day, I heard that every time somebody 'likes' We Day on Facebook, sponsors would donate $1 to Free the Children. The monies raised would help children in third world countries gain access to clean water, education, health care and alternate income. So when I got home, I went straight to my computer and pressed the 'like' button on the WeDay Facebook page. There is power in youth to change the world.
Justin Lu (Div. 1)


Sixteen Div. 1 students were randomly chosen to attend WeDay along with pupils from all over B.C. We were inspired by Craig Kielburger's testimony about how he, at the age of twelve, responded to a news-article on child labour by starting an organization called Free the Children. Fifteen years later, the organization educates youth about poverty, exploitation and diseases in third world countries, and empowers them to raise funds to help. Monies can be used various ways from building schools and rain catchment systems to providing mobile health clinics.
We heard from global leaders such as Al Gore, Rick Hansen, Rev. Jesse Jackson and Martin Sheen speak about freedom, social justice, and global change. We also heard about how kids from all over the Lower Mainland made a difference by raising money or volunteering their time. There is power in today's youth to change the world.
The following are excerpts from our students about the day:
“I can't believe how a class of 12 year olds could ever achieve something this big.” (Mark)
“I love how we did the mob dance with 18,000 people in the stadium.” (Cindy)
“My favorite parts were listening to Hedly and The Bare Naked Ladies sing live. Hedly helped change the community of Maasai Mara by purchasing a goat to give to a family and by helping to build a school for the local youth.” (Jason, Brenda, Christain and Teresa.)
“There are many people hungry, so don't waste food.” (Mabel)
“Some children don't have an education and must walk miles for water.” (Jinny)
“Drought and poverty affect people in many parts of the world.” (Jason)
“WeDay taught me how one person can change the world. If one works hard, the goal is always achievable.” (Brian)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Know the definition of all of the highlighted words from section 2.1 and 2.2 for Wednesday. October 20.